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Neanderthal traders in front of the monitor symbolizing why retail trading is hard
Why Day Trading Is Hard: A Broker’s Perspective
First, a little about who we are and why we wrote this article (or “mini-research piece”). Some of us have worked in the retail forex dealing/brokerage industry since the...
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participants in the foreign exchange market depicted on money bills
Participants in The Foreign Exchange Market: Who are They?
What (or who) really drives the FX market? Sure, it’s easy to think it’s all about you trading on MT4/MT5, getting rich, and showing off that Rolex on Instagram. But there’s more...
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heat map showing currency exchange rate by countries
Exchange Rate Systems: Why Should Traders and Investors Care?
For readers new to our series, we provide insights into fundamental analysis and its role in the foreign exchange markets. Today, we continue our series where we will explore different...
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What Is Fundamental Analysis in the Foreign Exchange Market?
First, let’s determine what fundamental analysis is, and what it isn’t, in the context of the foreign exchange market. Fundamental analysis focuses on the bigger picture....
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A financial analyst standing in front of a large digital screen displaying fluctuating global currency symbols (like $, €, £, ¥), graphs, and trend lines. The screen shows a world map in the background, with arrows indicating the movement of exchange rates between countries
How to Forecast Exchange Rates: Can Interest Rates Help?
Exchange rate forecasting is a challenging task. Numerous factors influence the value of a currency, making accurate prediction a complex problem. The retail community’s discussion...
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A vibrant technical analysis chart overlaying a futuristic cityscape, with glowing red and orange market patterns resembling magma. The image poses the question: 'Does technical analysis work?' amidst dynamic financial data visuals.
Does Technical Analysis Work?
Before diving into the intricacies of technical analysis, it’s essential to acknowledge that the topic is quite controversial. Does technical analysis work? It depends on whom you ask....
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